Qiちゃんの奇妙なゲー友 act2

Qiちゃんの奇妙なゲー友 act2 / qbert

Genre:  オリジナル
Number of pages, etc. 34ページ
Main authors どろみず
Work size A5
Pairing ♀×♀
Published Doujinshi convention RETRO GAME SUMMIT Lv.3
Printing method オフセット

This is the second volume of a collection of cartoons in the style of Qi, a girl who loves games and is loved by games. The newcomer this time is a high school girl who adores Qi, and a strange love triangle between Qi, a high school girl, and a middle-aged male gamer begins.

Included at the same time are 10 episodes of the omnibus Sega manga “Furisega -Free Sega Manga-” published on the retro Sega information site “BEEP21”!

Title Qiちゃんの奇妙なゲー友 act2
Circle qbert
Category 同人誌
Age All
Price 550YEN (Excluding Tax:500YEN)
Issue date 2024-11-30
Size S
Overseas shipping Available
International Mail : Available
Sample No.1 Sample No.2

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