
大正浪漫のカフェーレシピ集2「デザート」編 / Sepp

Genre:  評論
Number of pages, etc. 32ページ
Main authors カスガ バク
Work size B5
Pairing なし
Published Doujinshi convention C100
Printing method その他
Other tags 大正浪漫お料理レシピデザート情報・倫理

A cooking recipe collection that recreates "desserts" served in cafes during the Taisho era.
Based on the historical background, it features recipes that can be recreated with modern ingredients.
Illustrations and design are by Shino_miya.
his book is written in Japanese only.

Title 大正浪漫のカフェーレシピ集2「デザート」編
Circle Sepp
Category 同人誌
Age All
Price 740YEN (Excluding Tax:673YEN)
Issue date 2022-08-13
Size S
Overseas shipping Available
International Mail : Available
Sample No.1 Sample No.2 Sample No.3
Sample No.4 Sample No.5

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