
ぜんまい仕掛けの恋人 / しろねこ食堂

Number of pages, etc. 32ページ
Main authors 高野しろねこ
Work size A5
Pairing ♂×♂
Published Doujinshi convention SUPER COMIC CITY 31
Printing method オフセット
Other tags 900ギャビン900GABINreed900 

Detroit:Become Human's RK900 and Gavin's story.
RK900 is involved in an incident and is destroyed.
As Gavin desperately tries to save him, he realises his feelings for RK900.

Title ぜんまい仕掛けの恋人
Circle しろねこ食堂
Category 同人誌
Age All
Price 732YEN (Excluding Tax:666YEN)
Issue date 2024-05-05
Size S
Overseas shipping Available
International Mail : Available
Sample No.1 Sample No.2 Sample No.3
Sample No.4

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