
おねだりじょうず / ritaomochi

Genre:  創作BL
Number of pages, etc. 36ページ
Main authors rita
Work size A5
Pairing ♂×♂
Published Doujinshi convention Jケット6
Printing method オンデマンド
Other tags 兄弟 男の娘兄受けブラコン

Phie is given permission to sleep over at Phio's house.
A letter from her favorite fortune teller said, "To have a good day, have sex,
In the letter from his favorite fortune teller, he says, "To have a good day, you have to have sex.
Phie is conflicted, but he tells himself it's for a good day, so he has sex with her...

Cover/Back cover + 1p color frontispiece + 33p text = 36p

The front and back pages of the sample are not connected.
Both Phie and Phio have appeared in past works, but the contents are not connected, so you can enjoy this work alone.

Title おねだりじょうず
Circle ritaomochi
Category 同人誌
Age Adult only
Price 880YEN (Excluding Tax:800YEN)
Issue date 2024-11-23
Size S
Overseas shipping Available
International Mail : Available
おねだりじょうず おねだりじょうず おねだりじょうず
おねだりじょうず おねだりじょうず おねだりじょうず

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