
イラスト集「カラフル・フクロウ<下巻>」【価格改定版】 / 泉はるかillustrations

Genre:  オリジナル
Number of pages, etc. 24ページ
Main authors 泉はるか
Work size 文庫(A6)
Pairing なし
Printing method オンデマンド

The book is a collection of about 70 original drawings exhibited at the "Colorful Owls" solo exhibition held from September 30 to October 10, 2022.

This is a collection of small and cute illustrations in paperback size.
You can meet various kinds of owls and owl.

Paperback size (105 x 148 mm), 24 pages
Printing Specifications: Laser printer (full color)
Cover: Matte art paper (matte coated)
Body: matte paper

Title イラスト集「カラフル・フクロウ<下巻>」【価格改定版】
Circle 泉はるかillustrations
Category 同人誌
Age All
Price 1,210YEN (Excluding Tax:1,100YEN)
Issue date 2022-10-25
Size S
Overseas shipping Available
International Mail : Available
Sample No.1 Sample No.2 Sample No.3

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