柔一 アクリルスタンド

柔一 アクリルスタンド / 惰眠党

Genre:  漏れなつ
Number of pages, etc. 1個ページ
Main authors くまっち
Work size 120mmx100mm
Pairing なし
Published Doujinshi convention 野郎フェス2024
Printing method その他
Other tags 漏れなつくまっち野郎フェス柔一

These are goods sold at Yaro Fest held on June 1, 2024.

Natsu leaking. This is an acrylic stand of the character "Juichi Mikazuki".

Reversible design with double-sided printing, meaning the front side is healthy and the back side is unhealthy.

A special specification with a name printed on the pedestal.

Size is 12cm long x 10cm wide.

The proportions are the same as the Torahiko that was released earlier, so please enjoy them side by side.

Overseas shipping is OK

Title 柔一 アクリルスタンド
Circle 惰眠党
Category グッズ
Age Adult only
Price 2,932YEN (Excluding Tax:2,666YEN)
Issue date 2024-06-01
Size M
Sold out

Sold Out

柔一 アクリルスタンド

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