
猫型機械生命体を捕縛せよ / 盆と正月

Genre:  NieR:Automata
Number of pages, etc. 28ページ
Main authors 酒田まゆこ
Work size B5
Pairing ♂×♀
Published Doujinshi convention コミックマーケット101
Printing method オンデマンド
Other tags ニーアオートマタ

2B and 9S are given a mission to "capture the cat-type mechanical lifeforms!" Dressed in cat-shaped equipment, what stands in the way of the two who are searching for a cat-shaped mechanical lifeform is—! ? YoRHa Nyan Nyan Heartful Gag!

Title 猫型機械生命体を捕縛せよ
Circle 盆と正月
Category 同人誌
Age All
Price 732YEN (Excluding Tax:666YEN)
Issue date 2022-12-30
Size S
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International Mail : Available

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