
ひとりぼっちな村の衛兵士の犬少年とふたりきりの三日間を共に過ごす話 / steelcafe&bar

Genre:  ケモノ
Number of pages, etc. 84ページ
Main authors steelwire/鉄線
Work size B5
Pairing その他
Published Doujinshi convention 関西けもケット9
Printing method オフセット
Other tags ケモショタ夢漫画トランクス獣人

Distributed by the circle "Steel Works" at Kansai Kemoket 9 on May 19, 2024, and Comitia 148 on May 26, 2024: "Kemono Boys x Yume Manga (with some suggestive content)".

This is a first-person yume manga where a lonely guardian dog beast-boy and a traveler (you/or a proxy character) end up spending time together in the village.

 "A traveler (you) who collapsed in the forest at night is rescued by a guardian dog beast-boy. To repay the favor, you help him with his work. The boy mentions that few people visit his remote village, and indeed, you see no one else in the peaceful scenery. A dog boy guarding the village alone. The reason the villagers are gone. The boy's past. Decisions. The impending farewell. Under the full moon. Thus begins the life of just the two of you in the village."

|Distributed at Kansai Kemoket 9 on May 19, 2024, and Comitia 148 on May 26, 2024
|Author: Circle "Steel Works" (steelwire/鉄線)
|All ages
|84 pages

Title ひとりぼっちな村の衛兵士の犬少年とふたりきりの三日間を共に過ごす話
Circle steelcafe&bar
Category 同人誌
Age All
Price 1,466YEN (Excluding Tax:1,333YEN)
Issue date 2024-05-19
Size M
Overseas shipping Available
International Mail : Available
Sample No.1 Sample No.2 Sample No.3
Sample No.4 Sample No.5 Sample No.6

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