
好き好き大好きxxxxx / a/z:

Number of pages, etc. 28ページ
Main authors カエイタクミ
Work size B5
Pairing ♂×♀
Published Doujinshi convention 頭割りだョ!ヒカセン集合6
Printing method オンデマンド
Other tags FF14FINALFANTASYXIVエメトセルクエメアゼ♀頭割り6

※This book is an unofficial fan book.
This is the story of Azem, who is unable to say anything other than "I like" and "I love you" due to a certain incident, and Emetserk, who is at the mercy of this.

HAPPY<Emet-Selch / Azem♀>

* There is a spoiler for Endwalker.
* The text inside is in Japanese.

This sentence is translated from Japanese to English with a translator.

Title 好き好き大好きxxxxx
Circle a/z:
Category 同人誌
Age Adult only
Price 586YEN (Excluding Tax:533YEN)
Issue date 2025-02-01
Size S
Overseas shipping Available
International Mail : Available
好き好き大好きxxxxx 好き好き大好きxxxxx 好き好き大好きxxxxx

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