
ねこねこ狂想曲 / 平熱8.1℃

Number of pages, etc. 44ページ
Main authors 路也
Work size A5
Pairing ♂×♀
Published Doujinshi convention パンプキンパレード!
Printing method オンデマンド
Other tags パンシザ伍少Randalice

Pumpkin-Scissors Unofficial Fanbook #04
"Mew Mew Rhapsody"
Body in this book: page 40/ Size: A5

This is a book in which Randel and Alice become cat-like.
This fanficiton is a slapstick comedy novel.(JPN only)

In the first half, a corporal become cat-like and causes a ruckus.
In the second half, a lieutenant become cat-like and taken care of by a corporal.
The members of Section 3 are also evenly represented.
ex: Hunks, Stecchin, Oreldo, Marchs.

* It is composed of contents that can be understood by viewers of Pumpkin-Scissors anime only.

Title ねこねこ狂想曲
Circle 平熱8.1℃
Category 同人誌
Age All
Price 732YEN (Excluding Tax:666YEN)
Issue date 2022-10-30
Size S
Overseas shipping Available
International Mail : Available
Sample No.1 Sample No.2 Sample No.3
Sample No.4