The Catcher in the Corn

The Catcher in the Corn / もろこし村

Number of pages, etc. 104ページ
Main authors やぐまるみやへにょHiRoM
Work size A5
Pairing ♂×♂
Published Doujinshi convention Comic City 大阪120 THE GATHERING DAY 6
Printing method オンデマンド

This book was sold on January 10, 2021 at COMIC CITY Osaka 120 (THE GATHERING DAY 6. This is made up of manga and novels.
The movie "Conqueror of Shamballa" /AlEd

Title The Catcher in the Corn
Circle もろこし村
Category 同人誌
Age Adult only
Price 1,466YEN (Excluding Tax:1,333YEN)
Issue date 2021-01-10
Size M
Sold out
International Mail : Available

Sold Out

The Catcher in the Corn The Catcher in the Corn The Catcher in the Corn
The Catcher in the Corn