* ROCK VIRUS / パルカククロ

Number of pages, etc. 34ページ
Main authors 赤嶺臣
Work size B5
Pairing なし
Printing method その他
Other tags sanster

New Undertale book after a long time, and new sanster (sans & gaster) book.
The CP element is not strong. Rather, there is very little.
I guess you could say there is almost none.
It's full of ego, and it's better to say "I wrote and drew it" than "I made it", as long as only I can understand and understand it.

What are we, and especially what is Guster?
Why is Guster, who is supposed to have lost his form, in this form again?

That's what it's about (probably).


This is a reprint of the one published in April 2020.

B5 size, 34 pages in total.
Cover and text printed in black and white.
Thick paper is used, so it has a pleasant feeling of weightlessness.
No play paper.
No preface or afterword.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Circle パルカククロ
Category 同人誌
Age All
Price 976YEN (Excluding Tax:888YEN)
Issue date 2020-04-30
Size S
Sold out
International Mail : Available

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