【ケース破損有】FMPSG022 -Titan-

【ケース破損有】FMPSG022 -Titan- / FMPSG

Number of pages, etc. 22曲
Main authors Wiz.ズオウ・リアキとよしま萌尽狼gyabunekogp-lnwanipuriiBunROPHONswitchworks
Work size CD
Pairing なし
Published Doujinshi convention M3-2016春
Printing method その他
URL for audition http://fmpsg.info/discography/FPCR-022/

* This CD offers a damaged case at a low price. The contents are the same as "FMPSG022 -Titan-".

Contains 22 tracks and about 80 minutes of various cover songs and original songs such as game music and anime songs by Chiptune. With liner notes.

It is an album with many hard and heavy songs.

Title 【ケース破損有】FMPSG022 -Titan-
Circle FMPSG
Category 音楽CD
Age All
Price 330YEN (Excluding Tax:300YEN)
Issue date 2016-04-24
Size M
Sold out

Sold Out

Sample No.1