FMPSG024 -period.-【試聴盤2】

FMPSG024 -period.-【試聴盤2】 / FMPSG
Number of pages, etc. 16曲
Main authors Wiz.AkinoROPHONgyabuneko萌尽狼テントとよしまBun
Work size CD
Pairing なし
Published Doujinshi convention M3-2019春
Printing method その他
URL for audition

This is the second audition board released prior to the FMPSG last album "FMPSG024 -period.-".

The digest contains only 1 minute for each song, but since Tr.12 is not included in the finished version, you can only listen to it here, and some songs are slightly different from the completed version.

We would appreciate it if you could compare it with the completed version or listen to it as a trial of 024.

Title FMPSG024 -period.-【試聴盤2】
Circle FMPSG
Category 音楽CD
Age All
Price 110YEN (Excluding Tax:100YEN)
Issue date 2019-04-28
Size S
Overseas shipping Available