This person is mine

This person is mine / 64層

Number of pages, etc. 28ページ
Main authors さぎなだ
Work size B5
Pairing ♂×♂
Published Doujinshi convention UNLIMITED EX5
Printing method オフセット
Other tags しろくろ珈琲Returns900ギャビン

I've been secretly looking forward to collecting biometric data on Gavin for 900...
Finally, Gavin found out about it: ......

Title This person is mine
Circle 64層
Category 同人誌
Age Adult only
Price 770YEN (Excluding Tax:700YEN)
Issue date 2019-12-08
Size S
Sold out
International Mail : Available

Sold Out

This person is mine This person is mine This person is mine
This person is mine This person is mine

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