
DDルームシェア1 / まるてん丼

Genre:  オリジナル
Number of pages, etc. 44ページ
Main authors
Work size A5
Pairing ♂×♂
Published Doujinshi convention けもケット9.5
Printing method オフセット
Other tags ケモノ

A story about a dog boy who got fat after eating his new roommate's cooking all the time. What struggles await him in his new diet and workout routine?

Title DDルームシェア1
Circle まるてん丼
Category 同人誌
Age Adult only
Price 1,026YEN (Excluding Tax:933YEN)
Issue date 2020-11-21
Size S
Sold out
International Mail : Available

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DDルームシェア1 DDルームシェア1 DDルームシェア1

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