かわいいウルフ - A Charming Woman Virginia Woolf

かわいいウルフ - A Charming Woman Virginia Woolf / 海の響きを懐かしむ

Genre:  海外文学
Number of pages, etc. 160ページ
Main authors 小澤みゆき
Work size B5
Pairing なし
Printing method オフセット


"KAWAII Woolf -A Charming Woman; Virginia Woolf-" is a fanzine about Woolf in Japanese language. This book introduces Woolf and her works to Japanese people with reviews, illustrations, photographs and comics.

From the Editor
Virginia Woolf may be one of the world famous writers, but ordinary readers in Japan don’t know about her very much. This inspired me. I wanted my friends to know about Woolf much more. It was the beginning for this unique fanzine.I find Woolf such a charming woman and her works so attractive. Kawaii in the title means “charming” or “cute” in English. By the word kawaii I want to suggest that Woolf’s works are indeed “charming” and “cute,” and at the same time, fantastic and beautiful as well.

Comic : Who is Virginia Woolf?
Introduction : Welcome to Woolf's novels
Research Report : A Morphological analysis of Woolf's novels
Essay : A short essay about the musics in "Mrs. Dalloway"
Interview : An interview with Ken Nishizaki, a translator of Woolf
Fiction : "Moments of Boiling”,a tribute story to Woolf's "Moments of Being”
Cooking Report : A recipe and a cooking report of Boeuf en daube, which appears in "To the Lighthouse"
Feature 1 : Woolf’s tea party
Twenty-one people read Woolf's works, mainly short stories, and wrote about their own impressions in essays, reviews and comics. Almost all of them read Woolf for the first time to make responses.

Feature 2 : Orlando à la mode
Three people and Ozawa review a ballet, two dramas and two movies inspired by "Orlando".

Translation 2 : "A last letter from Virginia to Leonard Woolf"

Title かわいいウルフ - A Charming Woman Virginia Woolf
Circle 海の響きを懐かしむ
Category 同人誌
Age All
Price 1,980YEN (Excluding Tax:1,800YEN)
Issue date 2019-05-06
Size L
Sold out
International Mail : Available

Sold Out

Sample No.1