Re-Tale 3+4

Re-Tale 3+4 / アプレットコイル
Number of pages, etc. 112ページ
Main authors あいあい
Work size A5
Pairing ♂×♂
Printing method オンデマンド

This book is a set of 3 and 4 of the Re-Tale series.
A5/112 pages (including cover), all ages 
A lovey-dovey story about sans x human. All ages, but sugar content is high.

In 3, Sans has partial amnesia and is trying to figure out why.
The story is about Dr. Gaster's experiment and how he uses it for evil.
4 is a manga about Sands and his journey to the earth, where they see the stars, camp, go to the ocean, and have sessions.

It's a Re-Tale series, but the style is more coupled than the previous ones, so I recommend it to people who like those two.

The R-18 version has been edited and re-edited for all ages.
There is some kissing, ear-touching, smoking, and a hint of mild sexual activity.

The dialogue and structure are slightly different from the R-18 version, but the scenario is mostly the same.

Compared to the previous work
This is for people who like the Re-Tale series.

Title Re-Tale 3+4
Circle アプレットコイル
Category 同人誌
Age All
Price 1,466YEN (Excluding Tax:1,333YEN)
Issue date 2021-05-31
Size M
Sold out
International Mail : Available

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Sample No.1 Sample No.2 Sample No.3
Sample No.4 Sample No.5 Sample No.6