
Clearness / FascinationBox

Genre:  オリジナル
Number of pages, etc. 9曲
Main authors MwkOsanziXIzEJun Kuroda /他
Work size CD
Pairing なし
Published Doujinshi convention M3-37th(2016春)
Music genre VOCALOID ,  Electro ,  Dubstep ,  Drum'n Bass ,  EDM
Printing method オフセット
URL for audition

Mwk(FascinationBox) is proud to release my first album "Clearness" including a lot of "Sharpness" and "Sorrows"!
These 6 tracks made by myself, and 3 tracks made by splendid guest remixers!
I recommend specially to all the club music and Vocaloid fans!

”鮮明さ” ”哀愁感” をテーマにしたMwkオリジナル1stアルバム。

Special website -

Title Clearness
Circle FascinationBox
Category 音楽CD
Age All
Price 1,540YEN (Excluding Tax:1,400YEN)
Issue date 2016-04-24
Size M
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