be with me forever

be with me forever / 氷煙パルフェ

Number of pages, etc. 54ページ
Main authors ひょか
Work size B5
Pairing ♂×♂
Published Doujinshi convention オールヘイルセイバートロン17
Printing method オンデマンド
Other tags ウォーブレークダウンメディックノックアウト

※I'm sorry if the sentences are strange because I'm using a translator.

※All content is in Japanese.
※Adult only.

Breakdown, revived by Unicron in a different universe than Prime, returns to Knockout. However, Breakdown that seems to be hiding something. When Knockout catches him and interrogates him, he says he is unwell. When Knockout examines him to find out the cause of his illness...?

Bonus page is the story from when Breakdown and Knockout first met until they came to Earth. (I draw only the scenes I want to draw.)
This page is not clean. It also includes original TF appearances, deaths, and bloodshed.

Thank you for reading to the end!

Title be with me forever
Circle 氷煙パルフェ
Category 同人誌
Age Adult only
Price 880YEN (Excluding Tax:800YEN)
Issue date 2023-04-02
Size M
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be with me forever be with me forever be with me forever
be with me forever be with me forever

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